
BCB编译器SIZEOF操作符漏洞 - 网络安全 - 电脑教程网


日期:2006-05-06   荐:
  漏洞信息  BCB compiler是一款流行的编译器。  BCB编译器处理sizeof操作符存在问题,本地攻击者可以利用漏洞对系统进行拒绝服务或提升特权攻击。  由于错误使用sizeof操作符,可导致整数溢出,进行拒绝服务攻击。  漏洞消息时间:2006-02-06  漏洞起因  设计错误  影响系统  BCB6+ent_upd4  危害  本地攻击者可以利用漏洞对系统进行拒绝服务或提升特权攻击。  攻击所需条件  攻击者必须访问BCB compiler所在系统。  测试方法  /**   * check_compiler_sizeof_vulnerability.c   *   * Check compiler whether correct deal with sizeof operator,   * which can cause integer overflow if you careless use !!!   *   * note: some old compiler have this vulnerability!!!!   *   * by [email protected]   *   * XFOCUS Security Team   *   *   * already tested:   *   * BCB6+ent_upd4....................................vuln !!!   * gcc version 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8).....not vuln   * gcc version 2.95.3-4(cygwin special).............not vuln   * gcc version egcs-2.91.66.........................not vuln   * cc: Sun WorkShop 6 2000/04/07 C 5.1 .............not vuln   * VC6+sp5..........................................not vuln ,thank eyas   * lcc version 3.8..................................not vuln ,thank  tombkeeper   * evc4+sp4.........................................not vuln ,thank san   *   * REQUEST YOUR COMMENT:   * VC6 not sp5......................................?   * VC7..............................................?   * evc not sp4......................................?   * freebsd gcc version..............................?   * openbsd gcc version..............................?   * ...   */  #include   int main(int argc, char *argv[])  {   int i =-1;     printf("Check compiler whether correct deal with sizeof  operator\n");   printf(" by [email protected] \n\n");     if (i > sizeof ( int ) )   {   printf("This compiler is not vuln\n");   }else   printf("This compiler is vuln!!!\n");     getchar();     return 0;  }  厂商解决方案  目前没有详细解决方案提供,请关注以下链接:  漏洞提供者  XFOCUS Security Team   漏洞消息链接  漏洞消息标题  [xfocus-SD-060206]BCB compiler incorrect deal sizeof operator vulnerability
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