日志问题求教 2
日期:2006-03-31 荐:
日志问题求教 2日志文件里有这么一段/LM/W3SVC/273/ROOT哪位大虾能解释一下各个部分的含义吗?谢谢PS.谁能教教我怎么结帖散分?你的计算机配置了IIS服务?PS.谁能教教我怎么结帖散分?-----------点帖子右下角的"管理"我配置的是IIS5.0PS.谁能教教我怎么结帖散分?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^66回复 | 收藏此页 | 专题 | 公告 | 管理 | 保存 | 关闭窗口 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^从上往下数第4行里面的管理,点击它。/LM/W3SVC/N/ROOT IIsWebVirtualDir ……………………………………………………………………Keys and LocationsMetabase keys are analogous to registry keys or a directory in a file system. Each metabase key is identified by its name and location, which are defined within the start tag of the key. The following example shows two keys, IIsConfigObject and IIsLogModules, each having a unique location as defined by the value of its respective Location attribute:Most key names are the same as the value of the KeyType property, also known as the ABO class name, which relates to the type of key. The IIsLogModules key, seen in the example above, is named this way. If you change the KeyType value of a metabase key programmatically, the name of the key changes in MetaBase.xml when the in-memory metabase is saved. This KeyType value is important because the schema-defined collection that is named by using the same KeyType enforces which properties the key can contain.Keys named IIsConfigObject are special because they are not named by using a KeyType value. Because all properties are schema-defined in the IIsConfigObject collection, keys in MetaBase.xml that are named IIsConfigObject can contain any property. You can specify a KeyType value for a key named IIsConfigObject by writing the KeyType property in the key as a custom property. This is not a recommended method, however, because it does not work with ADSI. Preferably, use a real object, not IIsConfigObject.Some key names describe the type of data at a unique location in the metabase, and thus might appear at multiple locations. For example, because you can have more than one virtual directory, IIsWebVirtualDir is a key that can appear at multiple locations. The Location attribute defines the hierarchical position of a key in MetaBase.xml. The value of the Location attribute, with only two exceptions, is a sequence of location names separated by one or more forward slashes (/) that uniquely identifies the hierarchical position of the key in MetaBase.xml.The exceptions are the IIS_Global key, which has the highest hierarchical position in MetaBase.xml (Location = "."), and the IIS_ROOT key, which has the next-highest hierarchical position in MetaBase.xml (Location = "/"). The next-highest hierarchical position is the IIsComputer key (Location = "/LM"). All remaining keys in MetaBase.xml are contained by the IIsComputer key; therefore, their location always begins with /LM/LocationName, where LocationName is the name of the location.The hierarchical position of any metabase key can be determined by looking at its Location attribute. For example /LM" is the location of the IIsComputer key, and /LM/W3SVC is the location of the IIsWebService key. Because the /LM/W3SVC location begins with /LM followed by a forward slash character (/) and another location name (W3SVC), the IIsWebService key at location /LM/W3SVC is a child of the IIsComputer key. A child key is a key that is contained by another key. A key that contains another key is also called a parent key————————————————————————————具体的你最好看看IIS的文档。