那位有Win2000的源代码现在还。MS漏泄代码那会玩游戏 去了。一直没有见过。甚憾。
日期:2006-05-19 荐:
那位有Win2000的源代码现在还。MS漏泄代码那会玩游戏 去了。一直没有见过。甚憾。那位仁兄。能否给我传一些。分数好商量。俺只是想要几个作个纪念。别无它意。随便给几个文件都OK.有意者给俺发个短消息。谢了@_@?_?不好意思说错了,压缩后之后11X MB偶只要一小部分就OK了。要那么多干啥。纪念意义。楼上大哥。成全俺吧!UP/****strcmp.c - routine to compare two strings (for equal, less, or greater)**Copyright (c) 1985-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.**Purpose:*Compares two string, determining their lexical order.**Revision History:*05-31-89 JCRC version created.*02-27-90 GJFFixed calling type, #include <cruntime.h>, fixed*copyright.*10-01-90 GJFNew-style function declarator.*04-01-91 SRWAdd #pragma function for i386 _WIN32_ and _CRUISER_*builds*10-11-91 GJFBug fix! Comparison of final bytes must use unsigned*chars.********************************************************************************/#include <cruntime.h>#include <string.h>#ifdefined(_CRUISER_) || defined(i386)#pragma function(strcmp)#endif /* ndef _CRUISER_ *//****strcmp - compare two strings, returning less than, equal to, or greater than**Purpose:*STRCMP compares two strings and returns an integer*to indicate whether the first is less than the second, the two are*equal, or whether the first is greater than the second.**Comparison is done byte by byte on an UNSIGNED basis, which is to*say that Null (0) is less than any other character (1-255).**Entry:*const char * src - string for left-hand side of comparison*const char * dst - string for right-hand side of comparison**Exit:*returns -1 if src < dst*returns 0 if src == dst*returns 1 if src > dst**Exceptions:********************************************************************************/int _CALLTYPE1 strcmp (const char * src,const char * dst){int ret = 0 ;while( ! (ret = *(unsigned char *)src - *(unsigned char *)dst) && *dst) src, dst;if ( ret < 0 )ret = -1 ;else if ( ret > 0 )ret = 1 ;return( ret );}晕楼上的。8>>要拿VC里面的东西来忽悠俺。应该没错吧./*微软最高机密——Windows 98 源代码 项目:Chicago(tm) 项目发行日期:1998年夏天*/ #include "win31.h" #include "win95.h" #include "evenmore.h" #include "oldstuff.h" #include "billrulz.h" #define INSTALL = HARD char make_prog_look_big[1600000]; /*使程序看起来很大*/ void main() { while(!CRASHED)>>{>>>>/*如果不崩溃*/ >>display_copyright_message();>>>>/*显示版权信息*/ >>display_bill_rules_message();>>>>/*显示比尔的规则的信息*/ >>do_nothing_loop();>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>if (first_time_installation)>>{>>>>/*如果是第一次安装*/ >>>>make_50_megabyte_swapfile();>>>>>>/*创建50M的交换文件*/ >>>>do_nothing_loop();>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>>>totally_screw_up_HPFS_file_system();>>/*将HPFS文件系统完全搞乱*/ >>>>search_and_destroy_the_rest_of_OS/2();>>/*搜寻并删除OS/2的所有残余信息*/ >>>>hang_system();>>>>/*挂起系统*/ >>>>} >>write_something(anything);>>/*随便写一些信息*/ >>display_copyright_message();>>/*显示版权信息*/ >>do_nothing_loop();>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>do_some_stuff(); >>if (still_not_crashed)>>{>>>>/*如果还没崩溃*/ >>>>display_copyright_message();>>/*显示版权信息*/ >>>>do_nothing_loop();>>>>>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>>>basically_run_windows_3.1();>>/*基本上运行Windows 3.1*/ >>>>do_nothing_loop();>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>>>do_nothing_loop();>>>>/*进行空循环*/ >>>>} >>} >>if (detect_cache())>>/*如果检测到缓存*/ >>>>disable_cache();>>>>/*使缓存失效*/ >>if (fast_cpu())>>{>>>>/*如果CPU很快*/ >>>>set_wait_states(lots);>>/*设置等待状态*/ >>>>set_mouse(speed, very_slow);>>/*设置鼠标(速度很慢)*/ >>>>set_mouse(action, jumpy);>>>>/*设置鼠标(动作跳跃)*/ >>>>set_mouse(reaction, sometimes);>>/*设置鼠标(有时反应)*/ >>>>}
/* printf("Welcome to Windows 3.11"); */ /* printf("Welcome to Windows 95"); */ printf("Welcome to Windows 98");>>/*输出“欢迎使用Windows 98”*/ if (system_ok())>>/*如果系统正常*/ >>crash(to_dos_prompt);>>/*崩溃(到DOS提示符)*/ else >>system_memory = open("a:\swp0001.swp", O_CREATE); >>/*否则打开a:\swp0001.swp作为系统内存*/ while(something)>>{ >>sleep(5);>>>>>>/*睡眠5秒钟*/ >>get_user_input();>>/*接收用户输入*/ >>sleep(5);>>>>>>/*睡眠5秒钟*/ >>act_on_user_input();>>/*对用户输入起反应*/ >>sleep(5);>>>>>>/*睡眠5秒钟*/ >>} create_general_protection_fault();>>/*产生一般保护错误*/ 晕。楼上的仁兄。老了点吧#include "rc.h"int CALLBACK RC(HWND hWnd, int fStatus,RC_MESSAGE_CALLBACK lpfnMsg, RC_PARSE_CALLBACK lpfnParse,int argc, PCHAR *argv);extern BOOL WINAPI Handler(DWORD fdwCtrlType);int CALLBACK UpdateRCStatus(ULONG u, ULONG dw, PCHAR p){ int i = strlen(p); PCHAR ppercent = strchr(p, '%'); if (i >= 2 && ((p[i - 1] == '' && p[i - 2] == '\r') || (p[i - 1] == '\r' && p[i - 2] == '')))p[i-2] = '\0'; if (*p) {if (ppercent) { for (ppercent=p,i=0 ; *ppercent ; ppercent )if (*ppercent == '%') i ; ppercent = malloc(strlen(p) 1 i); if (ppercent) {PCHAR pT = ppercent;while (*p) { if (*p == '%')*pT = '%'; *pT = *p ;}*pT = '\0';printf(ppercent); } else {while (strchr(p, '%')) *strchr(p, '%') = ' ';printf(p); }}else { printf(p);} } printf(""); return(0);}int __cdecl main(int nArgC, char** pArgV){ int rc; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Handler, TRUE); rc = RC(NULL, 0, UpdateRCStatus, NULL, nArgC, (PCHAR*)pArgV); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(Handler, FALSE); exit(rc); return 0;}______________________正宗的,SDKTool中的rc,不知道干吗用.给大家看看呵呵~~