
这里有热衷于做游戏编程的吗? - 故障解答 - 电脑教程网


日期:2006-09-16   荐:
这里有热衷于做游戏编程的吗?大家认为用java做游戏合适吗?一直比较想做些有意思的游戏,有志同道合的一起讨论阿。以前学过j2se,还用jsp做过一些web项目,最近又学了学struts,对web有点厌倦了,有点迷失,就想到了游戏编程,做游戏一直是我的梦想,所以最近再看java游戏编程,再看一本“Developing Games in Java”,上面说java也可开发出来运行效率高的游戏。大家觉得呢?java适合做cellphone game!JAVA GAME USUALLY MAKE FOR CELLPHONEWhy Java? Well, why not? With Java 1.4, you can make fast, full-screen, hardware-accelerated games while having the benefits of developing for the Java platform. Developing for the Java platform means you get a simple, modern, safe, object-oriented language with a comprehensive API, simple multithreading, automatic garbage collection, and, of course, portability. Also, an abundance of tools is available for Java development, including lots of open-source libraries and some fantastic IDEs.The main complaint about Java is speed, but with the HotSpot VM and hardware-accelerated graphics, speed isn't much of a factor anymore. HotSpot compiles the "hot" parts of your game to native code at runtime, and with hardware-accelerated graphics, you can take advantage of a powerful video card.这是那本书上开篇说的,不清楚HotSpot VM指的是什么东西,是java虚拟机吗?多谢指点。