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日期:2006-06-04   荐:
大家好!请问,用PB在制作安装光盘的时候有一个按钮是“浏览光盘”,,那么代码如何写,才能打开显示光盘内容啊还有一个按钮是“安装说明文件”,那么代码如何写,才能打开这文本文件(*.txt)内容啊你用的什么打包工具啊?是用PB做的啊,,用PB程序自动运行啊看看有没有选项让你设置安装好后可以运行指定文件大部分打包工具都有这个选项的The following example displays a Select File dialog box that allows multiple selection. The file types are TXT, DOC, and all files, and the initial directory is C:\Program Files\Sybase. The option flag 18 specifies that the Explorer-style dialog box is used (2^1 = 2), and the Read Only check box is hidden (2^4 = 16). The selected filenames are displayed in a MultiLineEdit control.string docpath, docname[] integer i, li_cnt, li_rtn, li_filenum li_rtn = GetFileOpenName("Select File", & docpath, docname[], "DOC", & "Text Files (*.TXT),*.TXT," & "Doc Files (*.DOC),*.DOC," & "All Files (*.*), *.*", & "C:\Program Files\Sybase", 18) IF li_rtn < 1 THEN return li_cnt = Upperbound(docname) for i=1 to li_cnt mle_selected.text = string(docpath) "\" (string(docname[i])) "~r~n" nextIn the following example, the dialog box has the title Open and displays text files, batch files, and INI files in the Files of Type drop-down list. The initial directory is d:\temp. The option flag 512 specifies that the old-style dialog box is used and the Network button is hidden (2^9 = 512). // instance variables // string is_filename, is_fullname int li_fileid if GetFileOpenName ("Open", is_fullname, is_filename, & "txt", "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt,INI Files " & "(*.ini), *.ini,Batch Files (*.bat),*.bat", & "d:\temp", 512) < 1 then return li_fileid = FileOpen (is_fullname, StreamMode!) FileRead (li_fileid, mle_notepad.text) FileClose (li_fileid) 至于判断光盘类型调用API调用Win API函数,打开此文件不就行了。怎么用API调用