#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>
const int maxentry=20;enum error_code{fail,sUCcess,overflow,underflow};template<class type>class stack{private: int count; type entry[maxentry];public: stack() {count=0;} error_code push(const type &a); error_code pop(); bool empty()const; error_code top(type &a)const; int numbers();};template<class type>error_code stack<type>::push(const type &a){ error_code outcome=success; if(count<maxentry) { entry[count++]=a; } else outcome=fail; return outcome;}template<class type>error_code stack<type>::pop(){ error_code outcome=success; if(count>0) { count--; } else outcome=fail; return outcome;}template<class type>bool stack<type>::empty() const{ return count==0;}template<class type>error_code stack<type>::top(type &a) const{ error_code outcome=success; if(count>0) { a=entry[count-1]; } else outcome=fail; return outcome;}template<class type>int stack<type>::numbers(){ return count;}
bool isprime(int n){ if (n==1) return false; int k; k=sqrt(n); for (int i=2;i<=k;i++) { if (n%i==0) {return false;} if (i>=k+1) {return true;} else {return false;} } }
void prime(stack<int> num){ int m=2; //int a[255]={0,}; //int i; int n;; //num.pop(); //cout<<n<<endl; if (n==1n==0n<0) {cout<<"您所输入的数没有素因子。"<<endl;return;}
while (n>1) { loop1:{ if (isprime(n)) {goto loop2;} else if (n%m==0) { //cout<<<<endl; num.pop(); n=n/m; num.push(m); if (n!=1) num.push(n); goto loop1;
[1] [2]
} else m++; if (!isprime(m)) m++; else goto loop1;
} /*if ( num.pop();*/
loop2:{ int x=num.numbers(); for (int j=0;j<=x-1;j++) { int m;; cout<<m<<" "; num.pop(); } cout<<endl; }
#include <iostream>using namespace std;#include "stack.h"
#include <math.h>
void prime(stack<int>);bool isprime(int);
void main(){ stack<int> num; int n; char s;loop1:{cout<<"Input a Number:"<<endl; cin>>n; cout<<"The prime of the number is:"<<endl; //cout<<isprime(n)<<endl;
num.push(n); prime(num);} cout<<"是否继续?"<<endl; cin>>s; if (s=='y') {num.pop(); goto loop1;} else return;