SQL SERVER中对查询结果随机排序

SQL SERVER中对查询结果随机排序 - 应用软件 - 电脑教程网

SQL SERVER中对查询结果随机排序

日期:2007-10-18   荐:
Randomly Sorting Query Results   查询结果随机排序      Q. How can I randomly sort query results?   问:怎样才能对查询结果随机排序?     A. To randomly order rows, or to return x number of randomly chosen rows,    you can use the RAND function inside the SELECT statement.    But the RAND function is resolved only once for the entire query,    so every row will get same value.    You can use an ORDER BY clause to sort the rows by the result from the NEWID function,    as the following code shows:     答:对结果记录随机排序,或随机返回X条记录,可以通过在SELECT语句中使用RAND函数来实现。但是RAND函数在查询中只生成一次,因此每一行都将得到相同的值。可以通过在ORDER BY子句中使用NEWID函数来对结果进行排序的方法来实现,代码如下:     SELECT *   FROM Northwind..Orders   ORDER BY NEWID()   SELECT TOP 10 *   FROM Northwind..Orders   ORDER BY NEWID()