cisco ios命名规则,Cisco设备及其IOS命名规则

Cisco设备及其IOS命名规则 - 硬件外设 - 电脑教程网


  Cisco IOS命名规则     The name has three parts, separated by dashes: e.g. xxxx-yyyy-ww:     xxxx = Platform     yyyy = Features     ww = Format - Where it executes from if compressed.         Software Naming Conventions for IOS - Platform   as5200    5200     ca1003    Cisco Advantage 1003     ca1005    Cisco Advantage 1005     cpa1003    CiscoPro 1003,4     cpa1005    CiscoPro 1005     cpa25    CiscoPro 2500     cpa3620    CiscoPro 3620     cpa3640    CiscoPro 3640     cpa45    CiscoPro 4500     *cs    Communication Server     cs500    cs500     c1000    1003,4     c1005    1005     c1600    1600     c2500    25xx,3xxx,5100, AO (11.2 and later only)     c25fx    Fixed Frad     c2600    2600 Quake     c2800    Catalyst 2800     c2900    2910, 2950     c29atm    2900 ATM     c3620    3620     c3640    3640     c3800    3800     c4000    4000 (11.2 and later only)     c4500    4500, 4700     c5rsfc      c5rsm    Catalyst 5k RSP     c5atm    Catalyst ATM     c6400s    6400 NSP     c6400r    6400 NRP     c6msm    Catalyst     c7000    7000,7010 (11.2 and later only)     c7200    7200     igs    IGS, 25xx,3xxx,5100, AP     gs3    gateway server (AGS, AGS )     gs7    gateway server(7000,7010)     gsr    Gigabit Switch Router (12000)     ls1010    Lightstream 1010     mc3810    Ardent Multiservice Cisco 3810     p    Partners' platform n     *pt    prootocol translator     rpm    MGX 8850     rsp    75xx     ubr7200    Universal Broadband Router 7200     ubr900    Universal Broadband Router 900     ubr920    Universal Broadband Router 920     vcw    Voice Card Ware     xx    4000     igsetx    2500 (media specific image that supports only ethernet, token ring, and x.25)          Software Naming Conventions for IOS - Format       Where the image runs in the router     f flash   m ram   r rom   l relocatable     Compression Types     z zip compressed (note lower case)   x mzip compressed   w "STAC" compressed     Extensions     .tar A utility and file format used for packaging files together. These files are compressed using gzip or some other form of compression   .html The file is used with a Web browser application.           Software Naming Conventions for IOS - Features       ALL 0-9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ALL       a   a APPN   a2 ATM   a3 APPN replacement       b   b Appletalk   boot boot image       c   c Comm-server/Remote Access Server (RAS) subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging,IPX, Atalk, Decnet, FR, HDLC, PPP, X,25, ARAP, tn3270, PT,   XRemote, LAT) (non-CiscoPro)   c CommServer lite (CiscoPro)   c2 Comm-server/Remote Access Server (RAS) subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging,IPX, Atalk, Decnet, FR, HDLC, PPP, X,25, ARAP, tn3270, PT,   XRemote, LAT) (CiscoPro)   c3 clustering       d   d Desktop subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, WAN, Remote Node, Terminal   Services, IPX, Atalk, ARAP)   (11.2 - Decnet)   d2 reduced Desktop subset(SNMP, IP, IPX, ATALK, ARAP)   diag IOS based diagnostic images       e   e IPeXchange (no longer used in 11.3 and later)   - StarPipes DB2 Access - Enables Cisco IOS to act as a "Gateway" to   all IBM DB2 products for downstream clients/servers in 11.3T   eboot ethernet boot image for mc3810 platform       f   f FRAD subset (SNMP, FR, PPP, SDLLC, STUN)   f2 modified FRAD subset, EIGRP, Pcbus, Lan Mgr removed, OSPF added       g   g ISDN subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, ISDN, PPP, IPX, Atalk)   g2 gatekeeper proxy, voice and video   g3 ISDN subset for c800 (IP, ISDN, FR)       h   h For Malibu(2910), 8021D, switch functions, IP Host   hdiag Diagnostics image for Malibu(2910)       i (used for image names of platforms c2500 and larger)   i IP subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, WAN, Remote Node, Terminal Services)   i2 subset similar to IP subset for system controller image (3600)   i3 reduced IP subset with BGP/MIB, EGP/MIB, NHRP, DIRRESP removed.   i4 subset of IP (5200)   ipss7 IP subset with SS7 (2600)       j   j enterprise subset (formerly bpx, includes protocol translation)   *** not used until 10.3 ***       k   k kitchen sink (enterprise for high-end) (same as bx) (Not used after 10.3)   k1 Baseline Privacy key encryption (On 11.3 and up)   k2 high-end enterprise w/CIP2 ucode (Not used after 10.3)   k2 Triple DES (On 11.3 and up)   k3 56bit SSH encryption   k4 168bit SSH encryption   k5 Reserved for future encryption capabilities (On 11.3 and up)   k6 Reserved for future encryption capabilities (On 11.3 and up)   k7 Reserved for future encryption capabilities (On 11.3 and up)   k8 Reserved for future encryption capabilities (On 11.3 and up)   k9 Reserved for future encryption capabilities (On 11.3 and up)                  l   l IPeXchange IPX, static routing, gateway       m   m RMON (11.1 only)   m Catalyst 2820-kernel, parser, ATM signaling, Lane Client, bridging       n   n IPX       o   o Firewall (formerly IPeXchange Net Management)   o2 Firewall (3xx0)   o3 Firewall with ssh (36x0 26x0)       p   p Service Provider (IP RIP/IGRP/EIGRP/OSPF/BGP, CLNS ISIS/IGRP)   p2 Service Provider w/CIP2 ucode   p3 as5200 service provider   p4 5800 (Nitro) service provider   p5 Service Provider (6400 NRP)   p7 Service Provider with PT/TARP (2600, 3640)       q   q Async   q2 IPeXchange Async       r   r IBM base option (SRB, SDLLC, STUN, DLSW, QLLC) - used with   i, in, d (See note below.)   r2 IBM variant for 1600 images   r3 IBM variant for Ardent images (3810)   r4 reduced IBM subset with BSC/MIB, BSTUN/MIB, ASPP/MIB, RSRB/MIB removed.       s   s source route switch (SNMP, IP, Bridging, SRB) (10.2 to 11.1)   s Additions by Platform via PLUS packs     c1000 (OSPF, PIM, SMRP, NLSP, ATIP, ATAURP, FRSVC, RSVP, NAT)   c1005 (X.25, full WAN, OSPF, PIM, NLSP, SMRP, ATIP, ATAURP, FRSVC, RSVP, NAT)   c1600 (OSPF, IPMULTICAST, NHRP, NTP, NAT, RSVP, FRAME_RELAY_SVC)   AT "s" images also have