2950 SSH、AutoQos、802.1x with VLAN等配置实例

2950 SSH、AutoQos、802.1x with VLAN等配置实例 - 硬件外设 - 电脑教程网

2950 SSH、AutoQos、802.1x with VLAN等配置实例

日期:2007-08-17   荐:
  12.1(12C)EA1新特性:      SSH支持:     crypto key generate rsa    ip ssh authentication-retries 3    ip ssh timeout30    AutoQos,仅EI特性集可使用:   int fa0/24    auto qos voip cisco-phone    int g0/1    auto qos voip trust    可以通过Radius对802.1x的端口分配VLAN:    switch端:    aaa new-model    aaa authen dot1x default group radius    aaa author network default group radius    radius-server host auth-port 1912 key hehehe    int fa0/1    dot1x port-control auto    radius server端:      [64]Tunnel-Type=VLAN    [65]Tunnle-Medium-Type=802    [66]Tunnel-Private-Group-ID= VLAN NAME         dot1x可以和port security同时配置在同一端口上:   aaa new-model    aaa authen dot1x default group radius    aaa author network default group radius    radius-server host auth-port 1912 key hehehe    int fa0/1    dot1x port-control auto    dot1x multiple-hosts    switchport mode access    switchport port--security    switchport port--security max 10    switchport port--security mac-add sticky    switchport port--security violation protect    DOT1X可以和Voice VLAN配置在同一端口上:   aaa new-model    aaa authen dot1x default group radius    aaa author network default group radius    radius-server host auth-port 1912 key hehehe    int fa0/1    dot1x port-control auto    switchport mode access    switchport access vlan 10    switcport voice vlan 25    spanning-tree portfast    12.1(13)EA1的新特性:    支持SPAN;    支持PVRST (rapid的STP)    作者:juechen70